First, this site is still under slow construction.  Somewhat like western Pennsylvania's roads.

Second, this is both web site and blog posts.  The pages are above my tag line and the blog post headings are below the tag line.  If I've done things as I intended, you can comment on all the blog posts. So far I've posted book reviews and prayers.  That's because I mostly wanted this site to be about seeking Truth and reading fiction.  Well, that reason and I always think I can get more accomplished than I actually do.

The pages are about books, the writing conference we hold here in Mercer County, and me (hence the title Gloria). Someday I plan to have a page where you can actually buy my books through paypal. Until then, if you want to buy a book, email me.

Oh, I should also mention that some of the pages from my old web site are cached … and completely out of date … should anyone want to tell me how to uncache web pages.

Thanks.  Hope you can find what you are looking for.